I meant to update the blog BEFORE leaving London, but between stressing out about a volcano (which I never thought I would in my life) and finishing up with school, work, and sight-seeing I forgot and now I'm in Bahrain! But, to wrap up London, after I got back from Ireland I realized I had less than two weeks left and made a list of everything I wanted to do before I left. I got around to six (I think) museums including: The British Museum, V&A, Museum of Natural History, Tate Britain, The Museum of Film (or Movieum), and the Science Museum. All of the were really cool, although I can see where going to Natural History and Science would be much more fun (and entertaining) with someone under the age of 12. I also got to go to the BBC with a class. We got to view the newsroom (so cool), a game show being recorded, and more behind the scenes things. It was awesome. After going to CAPA's final goodbye dinner (both the formal buffet and the informal night of karaoke at the International Student House aka ISH) it was time to finish packing, do everything you could fit into one day, and start saying goodbye. On my last day I went to a Grace Kelly exhibit at the V&A which included many of her outfits, some jewelry, shoes, purses, etc. which, in general, was just very cool. Next I went to Regent's Park with two roommates, which at this time of the year is beautiful to walk around in, although the Queen's rose garden has not bloomed yet. We walked up Primerose Hill, which I am guessing is the highest point in London, and therefore makes an amazing view of the city. We went onto London bridge and hurried over to the Monument (made for the fire, and has 311 steps - I have a certificate to prove I climbed it) to get to the top as the London bride was opening. We just made it. We then went to the Orangery for afternoon tea (or late/rushed/one last thing to do in London afternoon tea in our case).

View of London Bridge from Monument
And then, being overly cautious just like the airlines, I left London for the airport around 10:30, which meant another night in an airport. I was fine with all of this until the next morning - before my flight was even assigned a gate - I saw a few people from CAPA I had saw when I was leaving and who were planning on leaving the following morning, meaning I probably did not have to stay the night. But I guess if I would have missed my flight I would have been more upset. My baggage has basically doubled. Not really, I might be exaggerating. Any ways I was very lucky to arrive, after I have no idea what the actual time was but I left London at 8:40 am and arrived in Bahrain at about 10:30 pm, to a very excited seven year old and the warmest weather I haven't experienced in a long time. I have only been here a day but I can already tell how much fun this week will be! I cannot imagine a better way to unwind from the most hectic semester in my life. At this point, I try to avoid thinking of my final, and probably most stressful, airport leg of my journey.
I am very excited to see many of you, chaps, and hopefully you can help me return to American life, I hear reverse culture shock is more difficult to go through than initial culture shock and the closer and closer I come to it, the more I think it will be true. I will consider buying internet in Amsterdam on my way back to update, but airport wi-fi is a bit of a rip-off.